Written by Administrator
Thursday, 29 October 2020 16:05 |
One of the main aspects of GTL technology is to be friendly to our earth. The main goal of green technologies development is to reduce negative impact on the environment. It is achieved by increasing energy efficiency, reducing the volume of consumed resources, reducing the amount of waste and recycling. All of these processes are resulted in quality of life and health improvement of people. Developed countries are striving to solve environmental problems in an integrated manner, applying transition to a green economy through the implementation of government programs.
Best practices show that investments into green economy are growing in the world. Shares of companies that take into account environmental risks show more sustainable growth and stability. The interest and participation of government institutions stimulate entrepreneurs to finance ecological innovations and correspondingly green technologies not as a one-time action, but as an everyday routine.
This project came from Igor Kurenkovi, partner of IAE. The following is the detailed attachment. If you are interested in any idea, please contact with Secretariat. Thank you.
Last Updated on Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:13 |
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