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Thursday, 04 November 2021 20:24

Congratulations to the 2020 newly elected full member and corresponding members!

In the general assembly of the Russian Academy of Engineering (RAE) and the International Academy of Engineering (IAE) convened on March 18 2021 due to COVID-19, new academicians and corresponding members were selected, and Chairman of the Ruentex Group, Dr. Samuel Yin, was elected as the first honorary president of the IAE.

Prof. Boris Gusev, who was once again voted in as president of the RAE and IAE, noted that this appointment was a nod to the significant contribution Dr. Yin has made to engineering technology as well as his long-lasting efforts to facilitate the interaction between the IAE and other international engineering institutes. Moreover, it is a recognition of his contribution with regard to the establishment the Tang Prize, an international prize that is aimed to better the future of mankind. Prof. Gusev explained that honorary president is a highly-revered position and it was also the first time in the 30-year history of the IAE that this honor was conferred.

In 2020, 6 people were selected as academicians and 11 as corresponding members. Prof. Keh-Chyuan Tsai of National Taiwan University is one of the newly-minted academicians. His achievements that have earned him many international awards include teaching and researching the design of structures for earthquake resistance and promoting its practical application. Prof. Duu-Jong Lee, elected as corresponding member, was lauded for his contribution to the study of biomass energy and bioremediation which led to the development of innovative wastewater treatment technologies. Professor Shang-Hsien Hsieh, also been confirmed as corresponding member, specializes in engineering modeling and information management. In addition, he collaborated with more than 40 entrepreneurs to form the Taiwan BIM Task Group in order to make Taiwan’s industries more competitive. What these three candidates from Taiwan have accomplished has certainly won them worldwide acclaim.

Full member Professor Keh-Chyuan Tsai

Corresponding member Professor Duu-Jong Lee

Corresponding member Professor Shang-Hsien Hsieh

Congratulations to the newly elected full member and corresponding members!

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