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5th International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction (NICOM-5) Trump Tower, City of Chicago, Illinois, USA - May 24-26th 2015
Nanotechnology has demonstrated tremendous potential for improving construction material performance - many innovations facilitated byNICOM symposia. NICOM-5 participants - engineers, scientists, and students – will have a special opportunity to connect to top investigators in the field. These global connections are likely to lead to new ideas, cutting-edge research and active collaborations.
Call for Papers: Submission of 250-word abstract: January 15, 2014
Contact: Konstantin Sobolev, NICOM-5 co-Chair Department of Civil Engineering & Mechanics University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA E‐mail: sobolev@uwm.edu 研討會詳細內容,請點選連結