Home Events Congratulations to Hui-ping Tserng on his election as an Academician of the International Academy of Engineering (IAE), and to Jen Yuan Chang and Tzu Kang Lin on their election as Corresponding Academicians

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Congratulations to Hui-ping Tserng on his election as an Academician of the International Academy of Engineering (IAE), and to Jen Yuan Chang and Tzu Kang Lin on their election as Corresponding Academicians PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 28 November 2024 19:26
Following an open call for nominations and recommendations by the Academician Selection Committee of the Taiwan Chapter of the International Academy of Engineering (TCIAE), and subsequent review and approval on November 6th, the candidates were recommended to the IAE headquarters. While the original plan was to convene a general assembly of all Academicians to discuss and deliberate on the list of Academicians and Corresponding Academicians, due to the current political climate and travel difficulties, a meeting of the IAE Board of Representatives was held instead.

The IAE Board of Representatives convened on November 27th in a hybrid format, with both in-person and online participation. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Boris Gusev. Dr. Jenn-Chuan Chern represented the Taiwan Chapter (TCIAE) at this meeting. Dr. Gusev first reported on the IAE's work achievements from 2023 to 2024. He then highlighted the 2024 Tang Prize Laureates, the award ceremony, and Tang Prize Week events, encouraging all member countries to actively nominate candidates for participation. The Azerbaijan Academy of Engineering also presented a report on the outcomes of COP29, recently held in their country, and discussed energy efficiency issues.

Through an election process, the Board of Representatives approved a list of 15 Academicians from 8 member countries and 12 Corresponding Academicians from 6 member countries. The elected 2024 Academicians and Corresponding Academicians represent diverse fields, including aerospace, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, metallurgy, civil engineering, physics (optics), structural earthquake engineering, geology, communications, and IT.

From Taiwan, Professor Hui-ping Tserng of the Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University (specializing in construction management), was elected as an Academician. Senior Vice President Jen Yuan Chang of National Formosa University (specializing in mechanical and mechatronics engineering) and Professor Tzu Kang Lin of the Department of Civil Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (specializing in structural earthquake engineering and intelligent monitoring), were elected as Corresponding Academicians.

The Board meeting also approved preparations for the 35th anniversary of the IAE, to be held in May 2025, and the fifth International Kosygin Forum, scheduled for October 2025.
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